Friday, 22 June 2012
Log/Activity on 22-06-2012
Today, Christine told me the parts where we need to motify for the Belt Equipment's website after she discussed with Mr. Low. Now, they are working on a facebook game. She explained to me what they have done. They are already had the game concept and now they are doing the some research and storybording for this Sugarpals game. After we settled our game development, we will going to help them on that game. After that, I motified the parts in the website of Belt Equipment according to Mr. Low's requirement.
Log/Activity on 21-06-2012
For today, I am doing my practical training report since the game development project almost comes to the end.
Log/Activity on 20-06-2012
I continued on the yesterday work. I had tried many ways to add the feature that I mentioned yesterday but it is still no worked.
Log/Activity on 19-06-2012
Today I tried to add some game features to our Jelly game. I intended to add a feature in which the floor where the jelly stand will be disappear after 3 seconds the jelly standing on it. I searched some online sources about adding function after a certain time and I tried to apply them in our game.
Log/Activity on 18-06-2012
We are almost completed the prototype of the game development project. All the basic function and game's elements were already done. We are now testing and looking for the bugs to improve this game prototype. There is a problem which is the replay function. We are already searched the solutions of this problem and tried many ways to solve it.
Friday, 15 June 2012
Log/Activity on 15-06-2012
I continued with the previous unfinished work. I added a function to action script file so the jelly is able to stand on the bubble. I solved the problem of the bubbles because the bubbles only will appear once from bottom to the top. Now, the bubbles will appear from the bottom of the scene when the floating bubbles reached at the top of the scene. These bubbles helped the jelly to move to the top to get the treasure at the higher position. The bubbles floating with unchanged x-axis position to the top. After that, I set the bubble can be float to the increasing x-axis position when the jelly standing on it.
Log/Activity on 14-06-2012
For today, I tried to do the floating bubble in our flash game to make our game more challenging. At first, I created some bubbles by using Illustrator. Therefore, I researched on some floating bubble tutorial from internet. I tried to apply them in our game for candy land but it is failed. The random function for position of bubbles float does not worked. So, I used the method that similar to the moving floor. When the bubbles reached the top of the scene, they will be disappear.
Bubbles |
Bubbles in candy land |
Log/Activity on 13-06-2012
Today I took the jelly animation from my team member, Yukii. She had done all the jelly's jumping animation except the jelly leader. Since all the game elements including the treasure had been done, I started to insert all the jelly characters in our flash game. I had created a frame for each jelly in each game level. The number of keyframes in these frames for each level are same. This is because all the jelly are using the common motion function in action script file. I had imported the total of seven jelly's animation into flash library. However, I had to resize and adjust them one by one to the right position in each keyframes. Below are my works for today.
Level 2 |
Level 3 |
Level 4 |
Level 5 |
Level 7 |
Level 8 |
Level 9 |
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Log/Activity on 12-06-2012
I continued to solved the problem that I mentioned yesterday. I tried many way to solve this problem but it was still does not worked. Therefore, I do not want to waste my time on this part. So, I proceed to add a facebook link button on the menu page. I searched the tutorial from internet and I had followed the online source to add a facebook icon as link button on the bottom right side. Then, I added the code at action script at Timeline for us to link to the facebook page. At last, this link button was worked.
Facebook Link Button |
After that, I moved on to create the sparkles of the jelly bean for each level. Finally, I had finished all the collectable items and jelly bean for the ten levels of game.
Log/Activity on 11-06-2012
I continued to solve the problem that I faced yesterday. I tried to edit the coding part of moving floor in action script for a few times. Finally, the jelly was able to stand on the floor and moving with the cookie. I can only set the jelly stand on the middle of the cookie. The position of x-axis of jelly was fixed. I could not able to set the jelly stand on the position on the moving cookie where the mouse clicked. Another problem is the jelly was not able to leave the moving cookie unless jumping. I failed to solve these two problems.
Jelly was able to stand on the moving floor |
Log/Activity on 8-06-2012
I trying to add the background music for this game. Therefore, I tried to search the tutorial from internet about how to add the sound effect at Timeline. I also found a cute background music which is in MP3 format through the internet. I followed the instruction of online source and I had successfully added this music at Timeline. Now, the music is played over the game. After that, I tried to edit the property of this music so that this music will loop over this game.
My coursemate is trying to convert this game to a mobile game. I leant how to changed the mouse event listener to the touch event listener from her. At first, we need to publish this game as Flash Lite 4. After that change all the mouse click function to touch event function. At last, we can debug this game in Adobe Device Central CS5 to preview the result and to test this game.
After that, I moved on to do the moving floor in this game to make it more challenging. I referred to the action script code of the moving enemies in the sample code and tried to create a moving cookie as moving floor in level 1. Finally, I had successfully create a moving cookie that moving from left to right. However, the jelly was unable to stand on that moving cookie.
After that, I moved on to do the moving floor in this game to make it more challenging. I referred to the action script code of the moving enemies in the sample code and tried to create a moving cookie as moving floor in level 1. Finally, I had successfully create a moving cookie that moving from left to right. However, the jelly was unable to stand on that moving cookie.
Adding moving floor (cookies) |
Log/Activity on 7-06-2012
Since I had imported all the items into flash yesterday, I started to create the sparkles of all these items. This is because the player might be misunderstand whether these items are the parts of the floor or the background design. Thus, I create a new layer for each item in Timeline and create the sparkles to make the items looked more visible. This will imply the player to collect these items. Today, I had finished the sparkles for all items at each levels. The image below is one of the level of the game.
After that, I proceed to drew out the total of ten jelly beans by using Adobe Illustrator. By using the same method as the treasure, I set these different colours of jelly bean as the objects in action script file.
Sparkles of cookies |
After that, I proceed to drew out the total of ten jelly beans by using Adobe Illustrator. By using the same method as the treasure, I set these different colours of jelly bean as the objects in action script file.
Jelly Bean |
Log/Activity on 6-06-2012
Today, I continued drawing the game treasure for the cupcake land. The image below is my design for cupcake lands' collectable items.
After my coursemate and I had finished drew out all the items, I imported item by item into the flash library. After that, I started to add some code statement in action script file to set each item as object. So, the score will be increased by 100 when the player collected each item.
Treasure for two levels of cupcake lands |
After my coursemate and I had finished drew out all the items, I imported item by item into the flash library. After that, I started to add some code statement in action script file to set each item as object. So, the score will be increased by 100 when the player collected each item.
Coding for setting the treasure as object in game |
Log/Activity on 5-06-2012
After I had finished drew out all the treasure of the game, I started to draw them by using the Adobe Illustrator. Li San had almost finished combining all the levels, so she ask to help me to draw out part of the items, the collectable items for the ice cream land and the cookies land. For today, I just be able to draw out the items for marshmallow land and candy land.
Log/Activity on 4-06-2012
My coursemates are arranging the game levels' elements this few days. I started to design the treasure for each level in this game. I sketched these collectable items on a paper. Since my coursemate designed the game level by using the duplicate floor's design for each level, I decided to design three different pattern of items for each level. There are total of thirty items for all the ten levels of game.
![]() |
Collectable Treasure Design |
Monday, 4 June 2012
Log/Activity on 1-06-2012
Today I learnt how to insert a sound effect on buttons in our flash game. I search some tutorials about sound effect button from internet. I downloaded some sound files which is in MP3 format. The sound will be played when the "play", "story" and "quit" button was clicked.
After that, I get the cookies design from Yukii. She had done drawing the some cookies by using Illustrator. So, I started to design the game level by imported these cookies in flash library and arranging them for the level two. As usual, I need to set these cookies as fixed objects in AS3.
Level 2- Cookies Land |
Log/Activity on 31-05-2012
Today I leant how to add sound effects to flash. At first, I imported the sound to the flash library. Then, I inserted some statements in action script that tell flash where the file is located and used to load the MP3 file. Therefore, the MP3 can be played when the jelly get the treasure and jelly bean. My coursemate give me the game level design for level seven- candy land. I started to combine this game level design with the my flash game. After that, I set all the level elements including candy land stand, lollipop and candy as the fixed objects. So, the jelly can stand on the candy stand and it can be collides with these fixed objects.
Level 7 - Candy Land |
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Log/Activity on 30-05-2012
Today, I started to combine the main menu and story that done by my coursemate with my map function and game level parts. After combined, this flash project become slower. Since the ipad's resolution is 1024x768 pixel, I changed my map function and game level to this resolution. Although I had successfully integrated all the work into a flash file, there is a problem occurred in game level. The jelly does not move to the correct mouse clicked position. I have to redo the game level one and two according to the current size to get the correct mouse clicked position. After I redo the game level, this problem is solved. I tried to do some more challenging level features like moving floor while waiting for the level design from my coursemate and colleague.
Log/Activity on 29-05-2012
With my coursemate's helped, I had successfully apply the method same as the online source that I found yesterday. Now, the jelly's walking animation can be performed towards the mouse clicked position. However, the jelly is moving automatically when the level reset. The jelly at level two is follow the last clicked mouse position of the jelly at level one. This is because the x axis and y axis position of mouse clicked have not set back to the jelly's starting coordinate. I found this solution and adding this statement in my code, thus this problem can be successfully solved. After that, I tried to change the walking animation to jumping animation. Therefore, the jelly performed jumping animation to the point where mouse is clicked.
Log/Activity on 28-05-2012
Today I continued with the game development. I found some online sources for this flash game project. Most of the flash game from the internet are played by using the keyboard function, so I difficult to find more suitable references and tutorial from the internet. At last, I found a flash game which is most similar to movement of our game's character. This is a game with a walking animation of character which controlled by using mouse. This character will walk toward the mouse clicked position. Therefore, I started to read through this code. This method was slightly different from the method in my action script code. I tried to explore this code and apply this method on my mobile game, but I still have not successful to do it.
walking animation of character |
Friday, 25 May 2012
Log/Activity on 25-05-2012
Since I have no idea to solve the movement's problem, I tried to search some information and flash sample codes from the internet as references. I tried to understand the action script codes of some flash game from internet. I do not have much progress for this part and I do not want to waste my time on this part. Therefore, I moved to do the other part which is doing the scene 11 of game's story by using the Illustrator.
After that, I added a replay button for the level one. This button is allow player to restart this level anytime. My replay button was worked but I only can set it back to the previous frame of the level one.
Log/Activity on 24-05-2012
I tried to follow the method which same as the swing animation. Now, the jelly can jump far when I clicked on the stick, but the jelly keep repeating the jumping animation. Therefore, I continued to explore the flash and tried to find the solution for it. At last, I solved this problem and the jelly do not repeat animation any more. It is worked but this is still not what I want. Because the we need a fixed object for the jelly so that this condition will become true and the jelly can perform the jumping far animation. There are still a lots of problem have to be solved but I would not give up until I get it.
Log/Activity on 23-05-2012
Today, I continued on trying to solve the problem that I mentioned yesterday. I was kept changing the codes in action script, but still failed to do like what I wish for the jelly's jumping animation. The codes in action script file is too complicated and difficult to understand. For the swing animation, the y axis position where the jelly hold was fixed now, but it was still some problem for the x axis position.
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Log/Activity on 22-05-2012
Even though the swing animation was solved, the position where the jelly sticked does not match with the center of candy cane's diameter. This problem does not occur when we clicked accurate to the center of candy cane.
Another problem that I plan to solve is the jelly has to moved by jumping when mouse clicked. I tried to edit the codes in action script file, but I am still not yet success. The jelly was keep repeating the animation of jumping and each motion can not be displayed one times only. I spent whole day to find the solution for these two problems, but still failed and I think these problem are quite challenging to solve.
Log/Activity on 21-05-2012
I import the cupcakes and lollipops as the treasure of level one and level two. From the Christine's opinion, the treasure and the jelly bean are difficult to be seen by player. I add the sparkles to the cupcakes, lollipops and the jelly bean as well. Besides that, I create another red jelly bean by using Illustrator and then import it to flash library. This is because the pink colours of jelly bean does not visible in the level one. After that, I moved to the problem of the lives and scores. As we know, after the player had unlock any level in this game, he/she can play this level as many times as he/she likes. This problem is the lives remaining and gain scores can not be displayed when the player plays the level one for two times. I solved this problem by adding some codes in action script so that this game will detect whether the player is playing the level one for first time.
In the afternoon, I proceed to the stick and swing animation. This motion was not working because the program can not detect the stick(candy cane) was clicked. From my coursemate, we have to define object's name for each fixed object including floor, wall and stick. So, the jelly can stick to the candy cane and swing when the player clicked the candy cane. Finally the stick and swing animation was working.
In the afternoon, I proceed to the stick and swing animation. This motion was not working because the program can not detect the stick(candy cane) was clicked. From my coursemate, we have to define object's name for each fixed object including floor, wall and stick. So, the jelly can stick to the candy cane and swing when the player clicked the candy cane. Finally the stick and swing animation was working.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Log/Activity on 18-05-2012
Today, I proceed to another part which is the other motion of the jelly. I import the stick and swing motion into the flash library. After that, I add a candy can image into my flash game and then set it as a fixed object. So, there will be a collision detection when the jelly collides with the stick. I followed the step similar to the jumping movement and tried to add some coding in action script file for the stick and swing movement of the jelly, but this motion does not work. Therefore, I test this motion by changing the jumping to stick and swing motion, this motion is working and the animation of stick and swing can be displayed. I do not know why it does not work when I create another function for the stick and swing function. So, I continued to explore the coding and tried to find the solution for this problem.
In the evening, Christine checked my progress in flash game and she gave me some suggestion. The floor of level two does not match with the background of the game. The user treasure and the jelly bean are not visible to see by the player due to the colours of them. I have to improve these two problems after this.
Log/Activity on 17-05-2012
I successfully created two levels of the Jelly game. However, I am still can not done the thing that I want. Now, the jelly was move by walking when the mouse event is working. What I plan to do is the jelly will move by jumping when we clicked the position where we want the jelly go to. Even through I tried to explore the coding at action script for many times for this function, I still can not successfully done this part. I will be try my best to solve all these problems to create my first and best flash game.
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Log/Activity on 16-05-2012
Today, I continued to explore my flash game to solve the problem which is the wrong position of the jelly and the mouse click. Finally, I found the solution to solve this problem by adjust the game level layer to be fixed in the flash file. After I complete my first level for this game, I proceed to create the level two. I started to import all the Illustrator artwork including the jelly and the background layers into flash library. I followed the way I create the level one of this game. After that, I add the flash coding so that the remaining lives and the scores gained in level one can be showed in the level two. After this step is done, I found one problem which is the level of the game did not be set as dynamic text. With this condition, the level always shows "one" at the places of level display. So, I add some codes including function called "showLevel" into the Action Script file.
Level Two |
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
Log/Activity on 15-05-2012
I was back to work from one day holiday. I continued with my flash game. After I exploring with the coding in Action Script file because of the mouse function do not work. Finally, I found what mistake was make the jelly can not be moved by using mouse click. After few changes in coding part, I successfully solve this problem and the mouse click function can work right now. After this problem has been solved, I found another problem which is the location of mouse click function was wrong. The jelly does not moved to the position where I clicked. I do not know what reason causes it happens and I spent some times but still can not solve this problem. So, I proceed to other work which is separating all the layers at Timeline. This is because I put all the layers of artwork at Script layer at Timeline last time. So, I moved the Illustrator artwork and all the codes from Script layer to the Score layer and Level layer.
Log/Activity on 13-05-2012
Today is the last day for exhibition. Same as yesterday, we are introducing our company production to the visitors. Besides that, we give some cute bookmarks for the visitors. There are six different colours of bookmarks and different characters for each. I gain some knowledge from this exhibition on some interesting applications on mobile. This is a precious and good experience during my internship. Three if us were totally exhausted and our boss was allowed us to rest for one day on tomorrow.
Log/Activity on 12-05-2012
Today is the second day working at exhibition hall. This event was held from 11am until 9pm. We are promoting the Monster Ghost Academy games. We explain to people on how to play this game and let them to try playing this game. We record their scores and feedbacks on paper. I never work as exhibitor before this and I am worried about how to promote this game to public. Our leader Christine was guide us about what we should do. Besides that, I learnt from Christine on how she interact with the visitors and how she introducing this game to them.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Log/Activity on 11-05-2012
It is a great opportunity for me to take part in the IT exhibition which held at Exhibition Hall in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. This IT Fair is like a mobile application city and it was launched by GoMobile. We are asked to introducing our company's first game called Monster Ghost Academy to public. Actually this is a TV series animation and then our company is collaboration with the KDU lecturers to produce this game. This game is under developement and we need to get some feedbacks from people before launched. This is a running game which can be played by using Ipad, Iphone, Ipod, Android phone and the latest system of Nokia phone Window 7. Our jobs was to let the people try the game and their feedback and suggestions will be take noted. This is a good experience for me and I learnt how to communication with other people including the people from the other country. Besides that, I gain new knowledge and the awareness of different types of interesting mobile application from this exhibition.
Thursday, 10 May 2012
Log/Activity on 10-05-2012
We are asked to take part in the exhibition at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC). This event is held for three days from 11st to 13rd May 2012. Christine had gave us some information about the game named Monster Ghost Academy (MGA). We read about the story of the game and characteristic of all characters. After that, I continued to do my flash game. I tried to change the keyboard function to mouse function by adding some codes in the action script file. But the mouse function does not work and I tried to figure out the solution of this problem. In the afternoon, Christine, my coursemates and I are go out to prepare for the exhibition tomorrow. We went the exhibition hall at KLCC to set up all the things and backdrop of the game.
Log/Activity on 09-05-2012
Today I continued to explore the flash and tried to figure out the problem that I faced. Finally I find out what problem cause the jelly drop down from the floor when start the game. I edited the coding and now the jelly did not falling down from the floor already. After I solved this problem, I proceed to the other problem which is the score and live display do not work. I spent some time to find out the reason. At last I figured out the solution which is change the setting of characters at the properties and the score and live remaining can be displayed on screen now. When the jelly get the star shape treasure,we will get 100 score for each treasure. After that, I add the keyboard function to the action script file so we can control the movement of the jelly. We can use the left or right button to move the jelly and space bar to jump. After set up the keyboard function, I change a bit the structure of the scene. Then, I add a function called jellyDie() function so when the jelly drop down below the floor, the jelly will dead and the live will be deducted by one. I also added the code to display the dialog to display some messages to players. Level completed when the jelly get the jelly bean.
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Log/Activity on 08-05-2012
I continued with the coding. I still can not solved the problem as I mentioned yesterday. I am still can not figured out why the jelly falled down when I start the level one. I can not proceed to other step before I solved this problem. Since the codes at action script were so complicated and I can not search the explaination from internet about the meaning of each statement of coding at action script due to there was still no internet access. So, I can only trace the codes on myself and tried to understand them. I had checked the coding at action script and Timeline, but this problem still can not be solved.
Monday, 7 May 2012
Log/Activity on 07-05-2012
Another day for me to spend whole day with coding exploration in flash. Since I had done the level chosen of our game, today I proceed to create the game level for this game. At first, I started to play some example of flash games and understand the flow of the games. After that, I tried to understand the codes of these game and tried to apply on our game. The main code of a flash game was stored in a action script file. It is too complicated and hard to understand. I created a scene for the first level at the third frame in Timeline and imported the jelly which had created by Yukii. This creation was a trial version.
Then, I added the action script codes in a file called After I solved all the errors occured, there is another problem appear which is the jelly was falling down at the beginning of the game. I still have not figure out the solution for this problem. Today still no internet access, so I can not able to connect to the internet to search the solution to solve this problem.
Then, I added the action script codes in a file called After I solved all the errors occured, there is another problem appear which is the jelly was falling down at the beginning of the game. I still have not figure out the solution for this problem. Today still no internet access, so I can not able to connect to the internet to search the solution to solve this problem.
Sunday, 6 May 2012
Log/Activity on 04-05-2012
Today I continued with the work I doing yesterday. Since I done the keyframes for the level one including the button, I proceed to do the map function for the other lands.
The following image is the coding I wrote in the Timeline for the level ten. In level ten, all the lands were unlocked in the map.
Finally, I done the map function of all ten levels. The image below shows the keyframes that I done today.
Log/Activity on 03-05-2012
Today I continued with the coding exploration in flash. I tried to do the level navigation for first level of this game. I faced a problem after I imported the whole map from Illustrator. This is because this imported map is one symbol in flash but not separate symbol for each level.
Therefore, I redo to import each land one by one into the library in flash. Now all the lands and land borders are separate symbols.
After that, I tried to explore the Timeline so when user completed the level one, the level two will be unlock like the munch time game. I had done the button of level one by adding the keyframes which are mouse up, mouse over and mouse down. So, when the mouse cursor point on any level, the land will be enlarged. This function helps user so they will know which level was unlocked.
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Log/Activity on 02-05-2012
Today I continued with the flash for the mobile game. My coursemate had downloaded a lot of examples of flashy games and I tried to understand the flow of the game and the code of these examples. I also tried to explore the sourse file from the book bought by my coursemate. This book is all about the ActionScript 3.0 and this is very useful for us to create a interactive flashy game. I started to explore the ActionScript and Timeline and tried to create my flash game. I am working with the Timeline and create few keyframes. When we click the start button, the map of the game will be appear so we can choose the level of the game. This is what I am trying to do.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Log/Activity on 30-04-2012
Today, Christine gave us a task which is help her to trace a picture which given by her. The image below is the result of the tracing by using AI.
After I finished the work told by Christine, I continued with my flash project. Based on this book, the first step of creating a flash project is to plan unless there may a huge expenditure of time. Then, mapping out the project or create storyboard to facsimile each keyframe or scene in animation if we are creating a complex animation or game. Now, we finished these two steps and came out with the scene of the game by using AI. After that is creating the flash document and the coding part.
After I finished the work told by Christine, I continued with my flash project. Based on this book, the first step of creating a flash project is to plan unless there may a huge expenditure of time. Then, mapping out the project or create storyboard to facsimile each keyframe or scene in animation if we are creating a complex animation or game. Now, we finished these two steps and came out with the scene of the game by using AI. After that is creating the flash document and the coding part.
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